Three Tips for Landscaping with Artificial Grass

Written by Artificial Turf Supply Commercial & Residential Division Whether you want to design a lush lawn or landscape your pool, artificial grass is a cost-effective landscaping solution that will save you time and money. But if you’re new to fake grass, you might have a few questions about how to landscape your home. Artificial Turf Supply Commercial & Residential Division offers the following tips on landscaping with artificial grass. Know Your Needs Before you can design a landscape using fake grass, you will need to designate your needs and wants. What do you need the space for? Is it for your pets to play on and go to the bathroom? Do you need a dog run? Is it for your children to play and relax? Do you want to create a walkway to your front...

How to Get Healthier Sleep

Written by: Carlo Badalamenti Healthy sleep plays an important role in our everyday lives. With healthy sleep, we are more productive and full of energy. Without it, we feel sluggish and our work suffers for it. It gets harder to find deep, healthy sleep as we get older. Sometimes, you have to seek outside help, or make some changes to the bedroom. Canada Foam by Mail presents some tips to help you fall into a deeper sleep each night. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol Most of us are familiar with the idea of a night cap, or a shot of alcohol before we go to bed. We might have heard stories from grandparents about a shot of brandy before bed, or maybe it s a habit picked up from friends. Alcohol and caffeine before bed will ruin your sleep patterns. These are considered...

Unknown Facts About Landscaping with Artificial Grass

Written by Artificial Turf Supply Have you made the switch from natural grass landscaping to artificial grass? There are many reasons why countless people around the world are now landscaping their homes with fake grass instead of natural grass. Many people love fake grass because it’s maintenance-free. With a synthetic lawn, you don’t have to water, mow, or fertilize the grass ever again. Other homeowners appreciate fake grass because it saves them money. But the benefits of landscaping with fake grass are endless. Here are two facts you might not have known about landscaping with fake grass, brought to you by Artificial Turf Supply. Artificial Grass is Flexible Natural grass landscaping is limited. Real grass requires special circumstances in order to grow...

Keep Out Deer

By Jason Governo There are a million and one reasons why it’s great to live out in the country. One of them, for many of us, is the opportunity to occasionally see some wildlife up close and personal. A good example is seeing deer as they come visit your property. Unfortunately, deer aren’t always a welcomed guest. These large mammals can do all kinds of damage to your property if left to their own devices. Plus, if you have large animals (i.e. dogs or if you live in a farm), deer can cause all kinds of unnecessary excitement that rile up the animals and end in damage. There are a number of ways to keep deer out though. The easiest may be a simple fence. Unfortunately, deer can jump rather high and are very perseverant when they see something they want like...