How to Decorate a Camping Scene

Summary: Designing a set is crucial because it helps create the world that the film’s characters will exist within. Furnishing a camping scene is tricky but it can be achieved by thinking of both big and smaller elements.
Some of the most easily recognizable parts of a movie include how it is shot, who is acting in it, and what kind of music is accompanying it. If you are in charge of set design for a film you need to think about what the viewers will see but some environments can be a bit trickier to design than others. If you are tasked with designing a set in the mountains there are some key elements you should include to really sell the scene to the audience.
Housing in the Woods
If your character is staying in the woods you need to think of the kind of furniture that would make sense for the environment. Will you character be staying in a tent or would a camper make more sense? Think about who the character is and what sort of environment would be the most compelling. A fancy camper with brand new cushions from The Foam Factory likely would not make sense for a teenage character running away from home. A tent with a sleeping bag would make more sense, given the context.
What kind of space the character sleeps in might not seem like a big deal but each of these smaller decisions will help contribute to the audience’s immersion.
Think Small
Think of some of the small elements you can use to make the camping scene more believable. For example, an RV bedding and lanterns are subtle items that can make a big difference. Put yourself in the character’s position and think about which essentials you would need to survive in the wilderness.