How to Buy a New Garage Door

Today’s garage doors do more than just open and close the entrance to your garage. They complement your home’s look, enhance your property, withstand all weather conditions, and even control the degree of light transmission and privacy. Regardless of technological and design advances, a garage door is an essential part of a home.

If you’re in the market for a new garage door, you might be surprised by the variety. Residential garage doors — from traditional to contemporary – are available in a variety of materials, styles and sizes. Use this guide to help you find the right one for your home.

Measure your garage door. Since modern garage doors vary broadly in size, it’s important to precisely measure your garage door before purchasing a new one. However, there is an art to measuring a garage door. You will need to precisely measure more than just the width and height of the garage door.  Measure the opening width and opening height of the door. In addition, you will need to measure the backroom, headroom, and sideroom of the door, including both left side and right side of the your current garage door. Each measurement is important to finding the right garage door for your home.

Determine your budget. It’s a good idea to figure out your budget before shopping for a garage door. How much do you want to spend on a new garage door? The amount that you spend depends on various factors, including material, design, and special features. Residential garage doors are available at every price point, from $300 to $2000 and up. However, as costs rise, you will find more choices equipped with special features and better designs.

It all depends on how much you can spend and which features you simply can’t live without. While you might find a garage door that costs around $300, it might not be ascetically pleasing. Basic steel garage doors are available from $300 to $800, while wooden and contemporary models start at around $1000.

Select the right material. Quality garage doors can be made of steel, wood, aluminum, glass, or a combination of materials. The type of material you purchase will depend on your budget, the style of your home, and personal taste. If you’re on a budget, consider purchase a steel garage door. Steel garage doors are also ideal for homeowners who want a basic, clean look without a lot of detail.

If you have money to spend, consider a wood garage door or contemporary garage door options. A wooden garage door goes well with rustic-style homes, ranch homes, and classic architecture. A custom-built wooden door provides character and charm to any home. If you’re searching for something more modern, consider contemporary options, such as glass garage doors and frosted glass garage doors.


This feature article has been sponsored by Main Garage Doors, a garage door company that offers a complete line of residential and commercial garage doors, including contemporary glass garage doors.