Differences Between a Burglary and Fire Safe

Differences Between a Burglary and Fire Safe

In general, there are two categories of safes: fire and burglary. Obviously, each serves a specific purpose, protection against either theft or fire. Some may provide a degree of protection in both categories. If you are going to purchase a safe, consider what you need it for and which best suits your purposes.

Burglary Safes

Criminals will use a variety of methods to break into safes. A burglary safe is designed to be impervious to the most common, including hand and power tools, cutting torches, chemicals and explosives. While no safe is completely burglar proof, they are engineered to deter theft, prevent burglaries by the untrained and to ultimately delay a skilled burglar’s intent. If you include intrusion alarm systems, something like a TRTL30x6 safe improves the chances a burglar will either be apprehended or give up.

Fire Safes

Fire safes provide resistance to flame and smoke. They are rated based on their ability to hold off content damage. The three main categories are UL Class 350, 150 and 125. The numbers are based on the highest temperature in which you can expect contents to be protected. These safes are not necessarily designed to resist burglary. You can increase its anti-burglary attributes by getting high-security locks and alarms.

Safes should be chosen based on what you need to protect and where you plan to put it. For instance, TL 30 safes get excellent ratings for commercial needs. Small safes can be well hidden, while large ones may have to sit out in the open.

Learn more about tl 30 safes when you visit First Security Safe at their Los Angeles location, or online.